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Published as E-Book on

“Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)”
on November 19, 2021.

Global WAR-NING!  Geoengineering
Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity

by Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (Editor)

Vilma Almendra
Rosalie Bertell
Michel Chossudovsky
Josefina Fraile
Elana Freeland
Claire Henrion
Maria Heibel
Conny Kadia
Linda Leblanc
Claudia von Werlhof



PORTUGAL Forestfires 2017, Chapter IV in E-book GLOBAL WAR-NING! ( Dez 2021)
Editora Claudia v. Werlhof

Attention note in 2022:
The correct number of the ca. 120 deaths from the the 2 Portugal Fires,
17th June and 15th October 2017, are unknown.
The Fire 15th October 2017 continues to be secretive and concealed on national and international level !

Ensaio capítulo IV - traducido para português por João Felix Galizes, 2022

"Fogos 2017 Como e porque"
Incêndios florestais de geo-engenharia em Portugal - 2017
Advertimento Global!
- Global War-ning
Conny Kadia e outros testemunhas

ATENÇÃO notificação em 2022:
Queriamos salvaguardar esse archivo importantissimo.
Queriamos comemorar os 5 anos das ca. de 120 vítimas mortais desses dois incêndios em 2017!!

O número correto das vítimas mortais em 17 Junho e 15 Outubro 2017 está desconhecido!
O Incêndio 15 Outubro 2017 continua de ser ocultado em secreto, ao nivel nacional e internacional - porquê ??

O Original do livro está em inglês - foi iniciado em 2018 e finalmente publicado em 2021 - como e-book.
Tradução para alemão está pronta em 2022 para ser publicado em livro.
Tradução para espanhol está a correr e vai ser publicado em livro.
Tradução para português do capitulo IV por João Galizes, em 2022, muito agradecida!

Incêndios Florestais de Geoengenharia em Portugal_2017_pt



Short Version:
California "Wildfire" Anomalies, with
Peter Crawford-Valentino

Long Version:
INDUSTRIES BEHIND FOREST FIRES in 2017 California - Portugal - Australia ?
Tradução para Portugal: Rosemarie Fruehauf.june

Fires Burn Hotter with Nano Metals in Chemtrails 08/03/2018



VIDEO CHANNEL Group Why Fire / Grupo Céus Limpos

Trailer - Witnesses / Forest Fire Portugal 2017 / testemunhos do Incêndio Outubro 2017 - Oliveira do Hospital

Testemunho Prof. João Dinís / Diretor da Confederação Nacional da Agricultura (CNA) - Portugal
sobre o Incêndio Outubro 2017 - Oliveira do Hospital

Incêndio Monchique 2018 - testemunho do Engenheiro Agrónomo Miguel Bigodinho



Aldeia Formosa and other villages ..

OLIVEIRA DO HOSPITAL 15th October 2017 -
Centro TV "E Tudo o Fogo Levou" | Reportagem 1º Prémio Jornalismo ANMP

OLIVEIRA DO HOSPITAL/ Quinta Coitena - Bombas de Fogo!
"Voluntários de Seia" com João Pedro Nogueira

Sobre o Governo Português:

Inicio do Incêndio / Fire Pinhal do Rei 15/10/2017 by Tiago Lopes

Incêndios / Fires Oct 2017 Portugal by Tiago Lopes

O massacre de Portugal em 2017 - Os terroristas incendiários infiltrados by Tiago Lopes

Maria João Oliveira "Verde é Vida" 27. Abril 2018

Ecological Desaster in Central Portugal
Forestfires 2017 are same as in California ??

Scientists speak about Directed Energy Weapon (DEW)??
Heated metals are melting everything - are breaking stones, breaking walls and floors of concret ???
Seems that irons have been heated and did break the walls?
There is no forest needed, to do this at
In the "Desaster Region" Internet is not fixed within 5 weeks now - computer is mostly bloqued against facebook or emails - proofs and resistence can not be organized.

Fotos 09.11.2017 ck Oliveira do Hospital - Bobadela










California Wildfire Oct.2017
Directed Energy Laser Weapons!

Fruittrees, Pine trees and Oak trees
in Portugal did burn from inside.


Houses and Industiral Buildings
did burn, smashed walls of bricks inside,
outside eventually flowers, grass, trees are still standing,
gas bottles or petrol deposits next to houses did not explode!
Fotos Tábua & Oliveira do Hospital Fotos, Seia
Central Portugal 30.10.17 ck

“Directed Energy Weapons Over California"
By Elana Freeland


Many historical houses, 100 and more years old
(granit stone walls and wooden floor, ceilings and roofs)

mostly unhabitated, as well as many habitation houses, did completely burn out - here you can see that trees next to it are green !!! ????? Burning from inside ??

casa madeira.1

2 Story-Wooden House Central Portugal !!
Looking exactely as the destroyed wooden houses in
California ! 2 iron container with melted tools inside, plastic pool next to it almost entire and wooden trailer not burnt !!

casa madeira.6

floresta v.f.1

floresta 1fruittrees burnt from inside2
pinheiro sobreda2pinheiro sobreda3

ervedal.1.a casa madeira.2casa madeira.3
casa madeira.4casa madeira.5 "You would expect in such a fire and "so much storm!!!", having fallen trees on the iron fencing, or melted or burnt fences ! All entire !! Almost no fallen trees at all, you can see the burnt needles from pine trees, "frozen by fire in one direction .." it looks like a very clean and a very dry fire! also the wooden house, every piece lays on its proper spot at it was in house, like just falling together - nothing beside house, blown away or bented by storm .. .. ck
floresta v.f.3.pngfloresta v.f.2

Chemicals sprayed from Airplanes
just before the fire

orange chemicals1

all Fotos 25th oct ohs portugal ck


Orange colour in forest since days after the fire

Lithium could have been sprayed before and during the fire, as it heated everything very much up!
We had around 30 degree at 3h in the morning ! Lithium is very explosive, extremely inflamable - and Lithium turns yellow in contact with oxigene. . .

The evening light of 15th oct was anything between blue and green, everything seemed to be turquis.
The morning of 16th oct there was a very DENSE YELLOW SMOKE everywhere !

Thank You very much to Franz Miller from Austria, http://www.climate-engineering.html
for giving me support, about chemicals, that have should be analysed in our soil, after being geoengineered during several years: Aluminium, Magnesium, Lithium, consistence of Mangan should be analises.
Also possibly likely Napalm could have been sprayed just before the fire startet, chemical fusions are well known with Soap of Alluminium and Phosohor:
orange chemicals2orange chemicals3

Thank You very much to Claudia v. Werlhof (A)
Planetary Movement Mother Earth
Publisher in
"PLANET EARTH - The latest weapon of War""
by Rosalie Bertell

All Fotos by Conny Kadia
Oct 2017 Oliveira do Hospital and Tábua - Portugal

Center of hisorical village Midoes-Tabua ..

Translation of this important email into portuguese:

10 horas antes que este desastro ecologico bateu a
nossa porta, recebi o email seguinte da Austria:

Translation / tradução português
"Os incendios na California sao parecidos aos fogos em Portugal e fazem lembrar aos efeitos 911
- explicado por Judy Wood. //
Jim Stone: "Incendios California nao foram naturais,
foram feito por ingenharia!:
".. fogos de repente, possivelmente explusoes de arvores secas, onde nao houve fogo antes. Muitas pessoas dizem, que "estes fogos explodiram do nada" - nenhum sinal de fogo antes, sem trevoada, NADA, de repende levanta-se um vento forte e no mesmo tempo a floresta ao lado esta em chamas altas. Isto seria o (telltale) sinal dum campo electromagnetico, aquecendo de repende tudo (tudo que nao transporta muito facilmente electricidade, tal como ar - ou folhas secas). Ha pessoas que dizem, lazer do espaco podiam fazer isto (e da minha opiniao isto poderia funcionar aem). Mas ainda agredito, que estao a utilizar o Cancelamento de Fases de Ondas de Rádio, para causas estes campo bias, pois a destruccao dum lazer poderia ser pouco controlavel, e podia resultar numa creacao massiva da ionosphera e relampadas ate a terra. Isto nao acontece, e por isso advinho que estao utilizadas Ondas Electromagnéticas EM. Talvez no futuro vao usar Lazer, quando se preocupem menos com os efeitos visíveis, pois seria bastante mais facil ..
"Como poderia ser possível ter 66 grandes incendios com bastante distancia, iniciaram-se de repende sem o tempo natural a causar-los, com tempo perfeito e calmo antes, de repende ventos fortes junto ao início do fogo, (SPARKS?) azuis no ar, mal funcionamento de electronicos, e (PALPITATIONS) no coracão de algumas pessoas ?
A minha resposta: DARPA - see Bertell


Portugal Fires 15 Oct 2017 evening/night - 12 hours after the email below from Claudia !! floresta2 all Fotos 30th oct ohs portugal ck
On 15 Oct 2017, at 09:43, Von Werlhof, Claudia <> wrote:

The Californian fires look like those in Portugal and remember of 911- effects, esplained by Judy Wood.
Jim Stone: „Californa „wild fires“ where not wild, they were engineered“:
„.... POOF, instant fire, there should have been several cases of exploding dry trees where there was no fire there before at all. Lots of people are saying these fires suddenly “exploded out of nowhere” – no hint of any previous fire, no lightning, no NOTHING, just a sudden high wind happening at the same time the forest nearby suddenly burst into flames. That would be a telltale sign of a sudden massive electric field heating everything up (everything that could not conduct electricity very well, which means air and dry leaves) There are people saying space-based laser systems are doing this, (and that absolutely would work, so I “get it”,) but I still believe they are using phase cancellation of radio waves to cause a bias field, because whatever happened when a laser was used would not be easily controllable and would too easily result in the creation of massive ionosphere to ground lightning bolts. That is not happening, which is why I am sticking with the EM wave approach to this. Maybe as they get more brazen and not caring about noticeable effects, they will start using lasers, which would be a whole lot easier.

How could you possibly get 66 widely spaced massive wildfires appearing instantly with no natural weather causing them, growing rapidly, with perfectly calm weather before, sudden massive winds at the initiation of the fires, blue sparks in the air, malfunctioning electronics, and in some people heart palpitations? My answer: just ask Darpa“.

on Darpa see Bertell.

Claudia v. Werlhof
Founder: Planetary Movement Mother Earth
Publisher: "Latest weapon Planet Earth" - Rosalie Bertell and others ..


vale rio seia 1


CLIMATE ENGINEERED FIRESTORM with no fallen trees in Central Portugal

Many people are witnesses of this Terror Attack on our Planet Earth!
Nobody who was in it says, it was a natural fire!

More than 5 councils were burnt out and destroyed within 12 hours, 100 km to 50 km or more.
Every hectar is black and many many historical houses in center of villages did burn out.
Homeless families and people in every village.

It is a wonder that only about 50 people died, but thousands of cheeps, hundreds of other domestic
animals, and still plenty of horses and dogs missed.

500 000 HA burnt in 12 hours - forest and agricultural land and pasture !!

all Fotos 22th oct ohs portugal ck 


Electricity or Water or Telefone
Infrastructure "crashed" about 19h before the fire
mobil fone connection crashed about 22H for the next 24hours and failures during days
no electricity (min. 2- max. 7days)
no water (min. 2- max. 7 days)
Schools were closed for 4 days
no internet (since 5weeks in villages)
no telefone (since 5weeks in villages)
no mobil fone connection (2-4days)

Same practize as I saw in the video of Dane Wigington-
California Wildfire Oct.2017 TREE BURNING FROM INSIDE- Directed Energy Laser Weapons!

No warning - where ever people speak,
it seemed to be the same everywhere -
"the fire was far away (from our village / town) - and suddendly surrounding everything,
coming from everywhere"
people had about 5min to escape
or "to get ready to fight the fire"

Fear of death, panic, chaos, threatened on our lives
nobody knew if he/she would survive

Emergency communication "were with failures"
in Portugal like in California -
Only evacuation happened in next town, not in villages.
There was no fire agency in our region - no time to rescue - it was burning from everywhere - many people I know had to pass flames driving their cars on oficial evacuation roads!
I wonder again, that not more people have been killed.

5 weeks after the desaster, the number of victims is still growing, missed domestic animals get found dead or are still missed. Official media is already away from these facts, publishing all the national and international help towards this region. Portuguese government is starting to "plan" and "give orders", what to do with the "dead trees" - eco-facism and capitalism are just shaking hands about comon profit.

rio alva.3midoes creche
rio alva.2rio alva.1
rio alva.4rio alva.5
Foto 25th oct ohs portugal ck

Witnesses in Portugal Oliveira do Hospital:
"I saw a entire forest burning within 5 minutes,
from one side to the other"
"The beginning of that fire was very strange, it started with 2 explosions
and then was burning in a square"

beam ervedal1.






Central Portugal - Ervedal da Beira - Oliveira do Hospital 15. Oct 2017 ~ 21H00 GT

appologize this drawing - waiting for evidence - without internet, without google translate ..,
almost impossible to investigate - but do not want to loose imagination of what we are witnesses of !

(still searching with cientists of an adequate foto or video, of what we have been seeing)

This beam from the drawing was located on the wooden fabric only 3km from us.
People who were right next to it I tried to ask days later about it, but they do not remember
anything but just chaos !
I suppose fire had started only 5 minutes before we came outside.
We are 3 wittnesses of this BEAM - “WHAT IS THAT”

– we went “frozen” like an animal – and then our INSTINCTS took over everything – to organize our Yard and Stables, what we could do in about 10 minutes. Our friend left to get his family out from their farm in the forest, they all came savely back to us later.
Only 10 min later the FIRST WAVE of FIRST FIRESTORM was dropping millions of “burning small woodpeaces” towards us and towards everywhere. Dry leaves would inmediately start burning.
In the next 3 hours we had 3 waves of “FIRESTORMS” – first storm, second fire smoke/dust, third flying glimming woodpeaces! Like, what did not burn yet, will burn now !! ONE WAVE PER HOUR ????

Airplanes have been heard, seen and fotographed, a Drones have been seen litting fires in Vide and Santa Comba Dão, and are not oficially confirmed by the portuguese government. But everybody knows,  that chemicals have been sprayed just before the fires exploded. Fires rising end exploding everywhere at the same time, always surrounding villages and towns, Oliveira do Hospital was surrounded, as well as Tábua - no escape – no rescue – no fire brigade - no electricity - no water - no telecommunication ..
SAME AS IN CALIFORNIA ?? Everybody had to fight for own life.

Still I wonder, if airplanes and drones can fly in electromagnetic fields - if a field can be established within minutes or needs some time to load up? The real storm only started after fire was lit - explosions during the whole night.

At 3h in the morning we had around 30 degree Celcius !!

One person said, the sound of airplane could have been a B 52 - american old military bomber -
another person says, the sound was like from a fighter F - the deep trembling sound.

ATTENTION - the QUARREL SOUND was also heard during a small earthquake about 200km south.
Do Electromagnetic Low Frequency waves make sound of quarrel ??


This happens at the same time in Italy !!

Italy is drying out !

View from space towards Italy

No rain at all !

Info by Claudia v. Werlhof
Now Piemont has been attacked - mainly Valle di Susa,
where people are fighting since 7 years against the TAV-Projekt, train project Turin - Lyon.
It is burning since days and started during a huge military exercice in Sardinia (14-18.10.2017). The sky you see was in Mailand 29th oct 2017 - experts say, "just natural", newspaper say "the most beautiful sunset of the year". Not a lot of information about the fires.



"After hearing the sound like from a Military Bomber B52 the forest brevely went black - and within 10 minutes the whole forest seemed to explode into high flames of 20 to 30 meters, in a line of kilometers. We had not even 5 minutes to escape with horses and car."

"It was the deep sound of a Military Fighter, when we saw the flames of this factory."

"We think it was a Drone we have seen standing over Vide, with a white light, no sounds of helecopter or else, also there was a lot of wind. After the Drone moved away in direction Oliveira do Hospital, a fire startet over Vide, just on the border to the council of Seia!"

The "normal and daily" Geoingengineering was strong in the week before as well during the year..
Country has been dried out since spring time. Instead of rain we get artificial clouds and wind which makes us watering our vegetable gardens. Weather forecast says "rain next week" - many times already, but there is no rain coming - and people are still not wondering .. ck

Firestorm or electromagnetic fields ??
There are very few broken or fallen trees in our huge forest. Some Mimosa trees were broken, but no pine -
strange for a firestorm !

trees exploded

Foto 30th oct ohs portugal ck – NorCAL Torch Fires;
How the Firestorms Were Created –…

Foto 22th oct ohs portugal ck      
Granit Stone, hammered holes, also in earth ??

granit2granit buracos1

Quarz Stone, exploded into small pieces until 10mquarz1



Trees hammered at 1m high, seems carbon, not burnt wood
hammered trees1

hammered trees2hammered trees3




Dane Wigington (USA)

Controlling Hurricanes: Harvey, Irma, And Now Jose? ( Dane Wigington )


Claudia v. Werlhof - more Films

Franz Miller (Austria)

InTruthByGrace – Evidence of Military Grade EMF Accelerants Used in Sonoma Napa FIRES –…

Leak Project – Unprecedented California Wildfires Started with Directed Energy Weapons & 5G – Latest Analysis…

RichFromBoston –
Directed Energy Weapons or Just WILDFIRES…

Directed Energy Weapons Wikipedia:…


DEW Directed Energy Weapon ?? JUNE and OCTOBER 2017 ?? Why on Portugal ??

Experiment or just the Practize of "Natural Desaster" to

The DESASTER from JUNE 2017 Portugal - Pedrogão Grande seems to be same practice
as in California, with target CONTROL of POPULATION & EUCALYPTUS INDUSTRIE ??

The DESASTER from OCTOBER 2017 Portugal - Oliveira do Hospital seems to be same practice,

Better even: It seems that the proper WOOD INDUSTRY was also participating from ground, to arrange everything that the fire will burn any HA of our Council. Burning objects from sky, some have been found entire, yellow airplanes have been seen spraying, cars and motorbike where men dropping something and fires started, thousands of empty and broken bottles have been found along roads at stragetic spots for fire. ..

MEETINGS TO SUPPORT PEOPLE who lost stables, houses, agriculture are in political CHAOS
This ECOLOGICAL DESASTER destroyed 2 strong Industries of the Council
Woodindustrie: 3 wood factories
National and international Eno- and Nature Tourism

Destruction is increasing Construction - so just another way of DEFLATION ?????

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